6"×8" watercolor, marker and ink on Strathmore Toned Tan. "Succumb" #9 of 25 Dreamcatcher series. This piece is for sale in my etsy shop. You can find the link on my Facebook page
I did this one in India ink and colored it with Winsor & Newton drawing inks. I love the vibrance and transparency of illustration inks, but don't use them too often because the colors are fugitive
Customarily, families give their homes a thorough cleaning in the days leading up to Lunar New Year’s Day. Windows are scrubbed, floors are swept, and furniture is dusted in preparation for the new year, sweeping away away the bad luck of the past year. In addition, dusting is avoided on New Year’s Day, for fear that good fortune will be swept away.
Hello. This is my kawaii or just had a good meal ‘Fu Dog’ (fortune dog 福狗) - a sculptures you’ll find guarding the entrance of the Chinese temple. Well, although theirs named as Fu Dog, these creatures are not dogs at all, but lions - Lions of Buddha, to be precise. The male fu dog is usually portrayed as fierce and the wide open mouth is to let evil spirits out—and the sphere at its feet, its symbolise its role as protector heaven~~fu dog normally comes in pair, male and female, but I am too lazy to draw another one
Daizies or Snowflakes it's all in your perspective, pen and india ink on paper. am pretty engrossed in this graphic, black and white nature inspired series i began a few weeks ago. There is something very soothing about doing these that leads me to believe this series is far from finished!